Seven Carleton students named June “Making a Difference” recipients
July 7, 2011
Seven Carleton College tutors who volunteered with the TORCH program were named the June recipients of the the Healthy Community Initiative’s “Making a Difference” Award. The award celebrates those groups and individuals in the community who have a positive influence on Northfield youth. The college students volunteered throughout the school year assisting high school TORCH […]
Bethel “Youth Energized to Serve” named May “Making a Difference” award winner
June 12, 2011
The Bethel Lutheran Church group Youth Energized to Serve (Y.E.S.) is the May recipient of the Healthy Community Initiative “Making a Difference” Award. The award celebrates those groups and individuals in the community who have a positive influence on Northfield youth. The youth group coordinated the church’s March food drive and raised $14,035 and 158 […]
Vicki Dilley named April “Making a Difference” award winner
May 9, 2011
Rotary Youth Exchange Officer Vicki Dilley is the April 2011 recipient of the Healthy Community Initiative “Making a Difference” Award. The award celebrates those groups and individuals in the community who have a positive influence on Northfield youth. Dilley oversees the application process for Northfield students who want to go abroad through Rotary, and she […]
Randy Malecha named “Making a Difference” award winner
March 22, 2011
Local business owner Randy Malecha is the February/March 2011 recipient of the Healthy Community Initiative’s “Making a Difference” award. The award celebrates those groups and individuals in the community who have a positive influence on Northfield youth. Malecha, who owns Willie’s Shoe Service, was selected for his commitment to volunteering at Bridgewater Elementary School. He […]
Gabe Rysdahl named January “Making a Difference Award” winner
January 21, 2011
Gabriel Rysdahl, a senior at St. Olaf College, is the January recipient of the Healthy Community Initiative’s (HCI) “Making a Difference Award.” The award celebrates those groups and individuals in the community who have a positive influence on Northfield youth. January is National Mentoring Month, and Rysdahl was selected for his commitment to mentoring youth […]
Volunteers who helped rehab the new Key are November’s “Making a Difference” winners
November 19, 2010
All the contractors, businesses and community members who donated labor or goods to help with the rehab and opening of the new Key building are the November recipients of the Healthy Community Initiative’s “Making a Difference” Award. The award celebrates those groups and individuals in the community who have a positive influence on Northfield youth. […]
Northfield High School girls soccer team named October “Making a Difference Award” winner
October 15, 2010
The Northfield High School girls soccer team is the October recipient of the Healthy Community Initiative (HCI) “Making a Difference” Award. The award celebrates those groups and individuals in the community who have a positive influence on Northfield youth. The team was selected for its efforts to raise money for breast cancer research through the […]
Kathy Lansing is September’s “Making a Difference” award winner
September 14, 2010
Kathy Lansing is the September 2010 recipient of HCI’s “Making a Difference” Award. The award celebrates those groups and individuals in the community who have a positive influence on Northfield youth. Lansing is beginning her eighth year as community director of Project Friendship, a mentoring program that matches college students at Carleton and St. Olaf […]
Leisa Irwin is August 2010 “Making a Difference” award winner
August 21, 2010
Leisa Irwin is the August 2010 recipient of HCI’s “Making a Difference” award. The award celebrates those groups and individuals in the community who have a positive influence on Northfield youth. Irwin organized the Northfield Ballroom Dance Club last fall out of a desire to teach her own sons an activity she enjoyed. Interest by […]
“Beat Cancer: Cancer Jam 2010” organizers named July “Making a Difference” Award winners
July 17, 2010
Rachel Hanson, Leigh Langehough and Heidi Strike are the July 2010 recipients of HCI’s “Making a Difference” Award. The award celebrates those groups and individuals in the community who have a positive influence on Northfield youth. Hanson, Langehough and Strike, who all graduated from Northfield High School in June, organized the successful Beat Cancer: Cancer […]