Healthy Community Initiative

Thriving Youth. Thriving Community.



Image of elementary students forming a human train in a classroom with two teachers

Healthy Community Initiative (HCI) advances health and racial equity by expanding educational and economic opportunity in Rice County, Minnesota. We collaborate across levels and sectors to galvanize collective action and invest in programming that positions youth for positive health, educational completion, career readiness, and economic mobility.

Mission: To cultivate collaborative communities in Rice County that support, value, and empower youth

Vision: Communities where all youth thrive

Systems Transformation Status: Northfield Promise (a HCI-supported program) is recognized by the national network, StriveTogether, as a Systems Transformation partnership.

Key Priority #1: Unwavering commitment to equity & anti-racism
The work we do will address our own role in systemic racism, and improve the systems that contribute to discrimination and disparities in access, opportunities, and outcomes.

Key Priority #2: Fully embracing our growth into a countywide organization
We will continue to expand and enhance the grassroots work we do throughout Rice County, partnering authentically with community organizations, and addressing community needs. This includes engaging representatives from the communities we serve on our staff, as members of our Board, and in our community partnerships.

Our unique service model has gained national attention. From California to New York, communities are turning to HCI for guidance on maximizing the success of their youth programs.

Focused on Supporting Youth and Families

The support we offer area programs falls into six categories: sharing knowledge, convening like-minded programs and individuals, building capacity, grant writing and reporting, tracking and evaluating effectiveness, and implementing activities.

Supported ProgramsStrategic Plan Form 990 Audited Statement