Healthy Community Initiative

Thriving Youth. Thriving Community.


Our Supporters

MESA Feed My Starving Children

HCI Supporters

We are incredibly grateful for the contributions of our partners and supporters. Their ongoing commitment makes it possible for HCI to continue to build collaborations that support and empower youth.

Founding HCI Partners

HCI was formed in 1992. The founding financial partners (and ongoing financial contributors to HCI’s work since then) were Northfield Public Schools, Northfield Hospital & Clinics and the City of Northfield.

northfield schools logoNorthfield Hospital and Clinics Logocity of northfield logo

Organizational Partners

Organizational supporters of HCI’s work this past year have included:

Individual Donors

We are touched by the generosity of the nearly 100 local individuals who make charitable donations to HCI each year. At the request of several of these current supporters, HCI does not publish the names of individual donors. However, their contributions have been critical to HCI’s continued growth in meeting the needs of youth in our community. Thank you!

Art Enrichment Support

HCI is proud to receive grant funding to support arts programming at the PRIMEtime out-of-school-time sites.

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Southeastern Minnesota Arts Council thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts & cultural heritage fund.

Clean Water Land & Legacy Logo

Become a Supporter

Now that you’ve seen our supporters, become one by making a donation or contact us.