Carey Tinkelenberg is Making a Difference
May 18, 2008
Carey Tinkelenberg is the June 2008 recipient of the Healthy Community Initiative’s “Making a Difference Award.” The award celebrates those groups and individuals in the community who have a positive influence on Northfield youth. Tinkelenberg is the founder, executive director, and head coach of the Northfield Skating School. A Carleton College alumna, Tinkelenberg saw the […]
Pablo Orozco is Making a Difference
Pablo Orozco is the November 2008 recipient of the Healthy Community Initiative “Making a Difference Award”. The award celebrates those groups and individuals in the community who have a positive influence on Northfield youth. Pablo was nominated for the work he does with Northfield youth in the elementary schools. He is currently volunteers with the […]
Main Street Moravian Church is Making a Difference
The Northfield Main Street Moravian Church is the December 2008 recipient of the Healthy Community Initiative “Making a Difference Award”. The congregation was nominated for organizing and hosting a town hall forum to address heroin and opiate use in Northfield. Amy Gohdes-Luhman, pastor of theMain Street Moravian Church, was instrumental in collaborating with other community […]
Pam Roberts is Making a Difference
May 18, 2007
Pam Roberts is the July 2007 recipient of the Healthy Community Initiative (HCI) Making a Difference award. The award celebrates individuals and groups who have a positive influence on Northfield youth. Pam has served as the Middle School Youth Center (MYSC) Site Leader since the fall of 2004. The MYSC, sponsored by the Northfield Public […]
Cannon River Sportsmen’s Club is Making a Difference
The Cannon River Sportsmen’s Club is the August 2007 recipient of the HCI “Making a Difference Award.” The club has been a youth asset builder in the Northfield community for many years. The Sportsmen’s Club places an emphasis on providing meaningful experiences for youth and making them feel valued. “The Cannon River Sportsman’s Club is […]
Northfield Union of Youth (NUY) is Making a Difference
The Northfield Union of Youth (NUY) is the September 2007 recipient of the Healthy Community Initiative’s “Making a Difference Award.” The award celebrates those groups and individuals in the community who have a positive influence on Northfield youth. Founded in 1996, the NUY is among the longest-running youth-run youth centers in the country. Its mission […]
Jorge Zuccolotto is Making a Difference
Jorge Zuccolotto is the October 2007 recipient of the Healthy Community Initiative’s “Making a Difference Award.” The award celebrates those groups and individuals in the community who have a positive influence on Northfield youth. Jorge is an exceptional community leader and positive role model for many Northfield youth. He volunteers time and energy to the […]
NHS Focus 10 Students are Making a Difference
Students in the Northfield High School Focus 10/Social Studies and English class are the November/December 2007 recipient of the Healthy Community Initiative’s “Making a Difference Award.” The award celebrates those groups and individuals in the community who have a positive influence on Northfield youth. The Focus 10 class is facilitated by Sarah Swan-McDonald and Bubba […]
2004 Youth Asset-Builder Award Recipients
March 5, 2004
Prior to starting the Making a Difference Awards program in 2007, HCI previously annually awarded an HCI Youth Asset-Builder Award to individuals who worked to make the community a better place for young people. These individuals were honored at an annual celebration. Past recipients of this honor included: Traci Gunderson Peggy Hanson Project Friendship Nancy Solberg Bubba Sullivan