Northfield High School girls soccer team named October “Making a Difference Award” winner
October 15, 2010
The Northfield High School girls soccer team is the October recipient of the Healthy Community Initiative (HCI) “Making a Difference” Award. The award celebrates those groups and individuals in the community who have a positive influence on Northfield youth.
The team was selected for its efforts to raise money for breast cancer research through the “Lace for a Cure” event. Team members sought donations to outfit all the school’s fall athletes with pink shoelaces to wear during their events throughout October. Donors could pay extra and get their own pink laces and pink wristbands. Fans were encouraged to wear pink to the Sept. 30 doubleheader boys and girls soccer games against Farmington.
The team not only achieved its goal of outfitting more than 550 Northfield athletes with the pink laces, they also engaged Farmington athletes in the effort. The team also sought donations at the Carleton College homecoming football game, bringing the total amount of money raised to more than $11,000.
“When you’re dealing with something like cancer, you figure people are going to contribute, but the amount of donations we received was unbelievable,” said team member Rachel Langehough. “It was a good experience, and we’re really proud of what we’ve done.”
The team is donating all the money to the Susan G. Komen Foundation to support breast cancer research, education and treatment.
HCI and the Northfield News present the Making a Difference Award cooperatively. If you know an individual or group that you would like to nominate for this award, visit www.healthycommunityinitiative.org for nomination guidelines and the easy-to-complete application. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and are selected by a review team of HCI board members and local youth.
To learn more about HCI, click HERE to visit our website. To make a donation to support HCI’s work in the Northfield community, click HERE.