Rice County Family Services Collaborative Accepting Grant Applications
December 16, 2019
The Governing Board of the Rice County Family Services Collaborative is announcing possible funding opportunities for next fiscal year, beginning July 1, 2020. The mission of the Rice County Family Services Collaborative is to support the availability of comprehensive services designed to enhance and strengthen functioning for families with children ages 0 to 18. The Collaborative Board is accepting proposals to fund projects congruent with its mission and will entertain proposals in the following five areas:
- Alcohol and Drug Use Prevention
- Mental Health
- Chronic Absenteeism
- Support to Families with Young Children
- Children of Incarcerated Parents/Justice-Involved Parents/Families
Applicants are required to submit a proposal that details a plan to address the identified issue within the mission of the Collaborative. Successful applications will: be based on collaboration with identified partners; detail how the work will change systems serving Rice County children and their families; and include a plan for sustainability. Grant awards have historically ranged from $5,000 – $25,000. Applications must be received by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 23, 2020.
For more information or to obtain an application, please contact the Rice County Family Services Collaborative at rcfsc@healthycommunityinitiative.org. The vision of the Rice County Family Services Collaborative is for safe, healthy families with children ages 0 to 18. Governing Board members include representatives from Rice County Social Services, Rice County Public Health, Rice County Community Corrections, Faribault Public Schools, Northfield Public Schools, Cannon Valley Special Education Cooperative, and Three Rivers Community Action, in addition to community members.