Youth Grants
Viking Terrace Park Project
December 2015
This project is being led by four freshmen at the Northfield High School. With a desire to make the Viking Terrace mobile home neighborhood a safer place for children, teenagers and families to play and gather; this group put forward a proposal for re-building and significantly improving three parks in that area. The current parks are run-down and out-of-date and this has led to children not playing outside or playing in the street. With updated parks that include picnic tables and grills for community wide get-togethers, this group believes that Viking Terrace will be a healthier neighborhood for all children to live in. The YouthBank team was chose to fund this project for a multitude of reasons, but primarily they believed that it fulfills a demonstrated need, that it helps make the community more equitable and they were inspired by the group that was proposing it.
Fiscal Agent:
HealthFinders Collaborative