Healthy Community Initiative

Thriving Youth. Thriving Community.


Martha Lundin

Youth Engagement Coordinator

Joined the HCI team in 2021

Martha has an MFA in creative writing and was an AmeriCorps Promise Fellow from 2017-2018 at the Northfield Area Learning Center.

Image of Martha Lundin

As Youth Engagement Coordinator, Martha provides the day-to-day support for Northfield’s Youth on Boards and YouthBank initiatives. They facilitate meetings, communicate with City, District, and nonprofit community leaders, and provide wraparound supports for students to ensure participants in Youth on Boards and YouthBank feel connected to their community.

Martha’s favorite part of their job is helping youth bring changes to the Northfield community!

Fun fact: Martha writes books for school libraries in their spare time. You can find their books in most schools under the pen name Martha London.