Softball Players are Making a Difference
May 18, 2008
Erin Eggum, Lauren Behr, Emily Green, and Morgan Zabel were the July 2008 recipients of the Healthy Community Initiative’s “Making a Difference Award.” The award celebrates those groups and individuals in the community who have a positive influence on Northfield youth.
The young women were nominated for the award because of the work they did to promote and introduce summer recreation softball for girls ages 6-14. The young women — all softball players themselves — recognized the value that being involved in sports can have on youth.
“We decided to promote activities to the youth and encourage their involvement through our high school service-learning class,” said Green.
Promotion of the summer softball program was done through visits to the elementary and middle schools and by hosting a Fun Day that allowed girls to watch a high school girls’ softball game, meet the players, and enjoy refreshments together. “The promotion and recruitment efforts resulted in increased numbers in the summer youth softball program and positive connections between the high school students and younger girls,” said Erin Mayberry, Recreation Coordinator for Northfield Public Schools’ Community Services Division.
All four young women were able to share their interest in softball with younger girls and watch them become more confident and improved players.
“It felt so good to see what we taught all of these girls,” said Eggum. “It was awesome to see the support of the parents and watch them cheer on the teams.”
In her nomination of the young women, Julie Pritchard, Northfield parent, noted, “It is quite evident that each of them is a natural at coaching, teaching and mentoring, but they also have a genuine interest in each girl and the desire to see them succeed.”