Lee Murray is Making a Difference
May 18, 2008
Lee Murray is the May2008 recipient of the Healthy Community Initiative’s “Making a Difference Award.” The award celebrates those groups and individuals in the community who have a positive influence on Northfield youth.
Lee has been an employee with the Northfield School District for the past 19 years. She is currently is an educational assistant at Bridgewater Elementary. Lee impacts others with her enthusiastic philosophy that “learning is exciting.” In nominating Lee for this award, a co-worker describes her as “an incredible role model for all of us and without a doubt very deserving of this recognition.”
During her tenure with the Northfield School District, Lee has also worked at Greenvale Park Elementary. She provides a variety of support to the students and staff at Bridgewater including managing the playground, working in the classrooms, testing coordinator and monitoring the parking lot before and after school. “I am honored to work for the Northfield School District,” said Lee. “I love my job working with all the students and staff. I couldn’t think of anything better to do.”
“Lee is an incredible person who works tirelessly to do the best job for the students of Bridgewater,” said Nancy Antoine, Bridgewater Elementary Principal. “She is a true professional and a gem to have on staff!”