Healthy Community Initiative

Thriving Youth. Thriving Community.


Community Resources

Sarah’s House

Sarah’s House aims to provide a safe and sober environment for those who are recovering from addiction while helping to transition into the community. Our goal is to provide each participant the opportunity for personal growth, by addressing each participant’s recovery needs and helping to promote healthy community interactions.

Contact Information:

Meghan Sawicki MAEd, Program Director
P.O.Box 593
Faribault, MN 55021
Phone: 507-332-2236

Communities Served:


Ages Served:


Services Provided:

Assist clients in living without dependence on alcohol, illegal substances, or illegal activities. Our staff will assist participants in locating local resources such as AA or NA meeting, making a referral to outpatient services, and other referral-based services.

– Increase community involvement, which may include: employment; education; volunteering; or community service.
– Increase participants overall sense of well-being while promoting safety of self and others.
– Support participants in developing appropriate coping skills.
– To increase opportunities for participants to obtain and maintain sobriety and stable housing in the community.

Sarah’s House does not allow children to live with their mothers. Sarah’s house can work with Child Protective Services on visitations.

Other Considerations:

Participants that are in residential treatment and have identified that they have no home can apply for Housing Support through their county. Residents would need to complete the Combined Application Form and a qualified medical personnel would need to complete the Professional Statement of Need for that resident. Prior to treatment, that information is sent to the county (most recently lived in). No financial information required.