Youth Grants
The Mayor’s Youth Council Game Night
December 2017
“Creating new friendships and strengthening old ones in a stress-free environment.” This is the driving factor behind the Mayor’s Youth Council (MYC) Game Night concept. Recognizing that there are many youth that enjoy “gaming”, but there isn’t a place to gather with others that are interested in this form of entertainment, and that many of the complex games can be too expensive for many families to purchase, a sub-group of the MYC put forth this grant proposal. With monthly gatherings, free concessions and all the hottest games, Game Nights will give Northfield youth the opportunity to gather with friends, relax and engage in conversation and fun!
YouthBank’s grant will pay for the cost of obtaining the board games, renting the space to hold the monthly events and helping to underwrite concessions.
Fiscal Agent:
Northfield Public School District