Healthy Community Initiative

Thriving Youth. Thriving Community.


Youth Grants

Summer Camp Scholarships

December 2016

summer-campThis grant proposal was submitted by the TORCH Youth Advisory Board. They believe it is important for young people to have meaningful activities to do in the summer. Summer camps can be great exposure to learning new things, to college campuses and to delving further into interest areas. However they are often off-limits to the many youth who do not have the financial resources to take part in them. YouthBank funds will be used to provide scholarships to various summer camps. The TORCH Youth Advisory Board will implement an application and review process to distribute the scholarships. The YouthBank team is excited to fund this project for many reasons including the direct and significant impact it will have on those that receive scholarships and the fact that the TORCH Youth Advisory Board will be administering the program.

Fiscal Agent:

Northfield Public School District